Video #20: Beer in Ancient Egypt with Amr Shahat

In the twentieth instalment of the Peopling the Past video series, Dr. Amr Shahat discusses plant remains and evidence for beer production in ancient Egypt, including recipes and additives, as well as the impact of beer on personal health.

Video #19: Dogs in Ancient Athens with Colin Whiting

In the nineteenth instalment of of the Peopling the Past video series, we are joined by Dr. Colin Whiting who discusses dogs in ancient Athens, including household pets and working dogs, and how the Greeks spoke about and treated their canine friends.

Video #18: Athenian Democracy with Chandra Giroux

In the eighteenth instalment of the Peopling the Past video series, we are joined by Dr. Chandra Giroux who discusses Athenian Democracy, including how decisions were made, who got to participate, and the challenges and criticisms that this system faced.

Video #17: Tattoos in Ancient Egypt with Anne Austin

In the seventeenth instalment of the Peopling the Past Video series, we are joined by Dr. Anne Austin who discusses tattooing in ancient Egypt, including who was tattooed, how tattoos are studied, and what tattoos might have meant within the community in ancient Egypt.

Video #16: The Hyksos with Danielle Candelora

In the sixteenth instalment of the Peopling the Past Video series, we are joined by Dr. Danielle Candelora, who discusses the Hyksos, the immigrants from Western Asia that settled in the Eastern Delta of ancient Egypt and ruled the north of Egypt during the Second Intermediate Period.

Video #15: Conor Whately talks about Soldiers & Civilians in the Eastern Roman Empire

In the fifteenth instalment of the Peopling the Past Video Series, Dr. Conor Whately, an associate professor at the University of Winnipeg, discusses soldiers and civilians in the eastern Roman empire, including settlement and military sites, non-military activities and economic exchange, and the family and community relationships of soldiers in the region.

Video #12: Chelsea Gardner talks about Ancient Tainaron

In the twelfth instalment of the Peopling the Past video series, Dr. Chelsea Gardner, Associate Professor of Ancient History in the Department of History & Classics at Acadia University, discusses the ancient site of Tainaron at the southern tip of the Peloponnese, including the mythical entrance to the underworld located there and the people who travelled to the site in search of sanctuary.

Video #11: Victoria Austen talks about Roman Gardens

In the eleventh instalment of our video series, Dr. Victoria Austen discusses gardens and gardening in the Roman world, including the types of gardens and what was grown, the structure and decoration of garden space, and the sources we have for understanding gardening in the Roman household.